Ok I get Bakugou’s dream, but I have a problem with it -

He says he wants to be number one and be strong, but WHY does he want to be number one and be strong? Why does he want to win? Why does he want to be the strongest? What purpose does his power serve beyond winning? -
I feel like this is where his arc will go after this. His purpose will be explained, and his desires will be explored. If he was just aiming to be number one with no real motive or plan after that, then he would’ve met his downfall just like Endeavor-
Endeavor wanted to be number one as well. He wanted to dominate the polls and be recognized as a strong figure above Allmight, much like Bakugou’s desire now. However once he was in that position, he didn’t know how to deal with the repercussions of being number one-
he couldn’t see what Allmight built, the sense of security and safety he brought among the people, what he did for the hero world, becoming that symbol of peace. Number one wasn’t just a title, it was a responsibility, and because Endeavor’s desire was only to be number one, he-
didn’t see the bigger picture, and I believe Bakugou is in the same mindset. He wants to achieve absolute victory, he wants to be recognized as strong, but why? Just because? If he doesn’t get out of that mindset then he’ll be set up for failure, constantly chasing after a title
and ignoring what comes with it. So with Bakugou Katsuki - Rising, I saw that he was thinking about how Allmight served as a peace maker. What Allmight brought to the world, what he did for society and the people who looked up to him. He saw THE BIGGER PICTURE-
I believe now he understands what it means to be that symbol of peace, to be able to beat the bad guys (win) while also putting people at ease (save). Think about it, what it really means to “save” in this story. The people that Midoriya saves are the people that he puts at ease-
when it comes to their personal worries (Kota, Eri, Todoroki, Iida, etc.) Those moments weren’t just him winning a fight, it was his words that connected to them more so than his actions. What drove Bakugou to jump in front of those spikes for Izuku was his-
personal worry for him. He knows his situation, he knows the trouble he’s in, and he acted in order to save him physically. What comes next for Bakugou is saving him verbally when he and Izuku talk in the upcoming arcs and he puts Izuku’s personal worries at ease-
Maybe then can our explody boy break out of that “being strong just because” mindset and start working towards an actual goal. Answering the question that Allmight asked Endeavor -> What purpose does your power serve? Chap. 285 was his rising into finding that purpose. I’m sure-
that Izuku Midoriya: Rising will also be in relation to Bakugou (they’d be each-other’s origin and rising), and after they both have their realizations could they become that wonder duo that’s been hinted so much throughout the story. They’d be what Allmight and Endeavor couldnt-
they’d be working towards the same goal instead of competing. They’d embrace those two sides of the same coins that they have, and come together to beat the bad guys AND put people at ease. The Symbols of Peace!
*As an addition to this, Midoriya won’t have to burden that responsibility alone. He would have someone to take that load off his shoulders, to listen to his frustrations, to ease his worries about that responsibility and be right by his side-
helping him reach what they both so desperately want to achieve as heroes. Being what Allmight was and meeting in the middle in order to make that goal come true. I live these characters!*
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