FYI: I don't have to like you to know you deserve freedom and justice. There are plenty of people who I don't personally like that *still* deserve to live without oppression and violence.
A lot of people think we have to personally like each other to struggle together for everyone's full citizenship and ability to access care, education, etc.

I assure you we can be autonomous human beings with differing tastes and priorities while fighting a common oppressor.
I've noticed many of the white and Black men in my mentions feel like Black women don't like them and like that's a deal breaker for working toward justice.

Well, we probably don't like you. But, it just doesn't matter lmao. You should still believe we deserve humanity.
If merely disliking someone (without them *actually* causing you or others harm) leads you to work against their liberty or disregard their lived experiences, you're kinda a shitty person.
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