((TW: Anti Native racism))

Screenshot bc I ain’t about to give a racist a RT to reply lmfao

I’m sorry to expose y’all to this but this isn’t okay. The anti indigenous racism has been out full force this year for some reason.

I’m super tired of this. I think we all are.

It’s very traumatizing but it’s true that sexualized portrayals of Native Women like this contribute time real abuse that happens to real Indigenous girls.

I was one of them. Please, this is “THAT” deep. This hurts our girls. We have to protect them.
Fiction and media absolutely affects real life.
Even if this person was Native, this makes it worse tbh! To carry the weight of all our traumas and pain only to turn around and sexualize it for the world to see and get “enjoyment” from??

That isn’t okay.
People need to do better. How many times do we have to beg year after year, to stop doing this?

When is it going to click for people? There’s so many other costumes out there that aren’t a closed practice culture!
Was it so hard to not do a sexy Tiger King costume? Smh.
Call out your friends, your family when they do this. Call out your favourite celebrity figures. Idc.

I reported this image for displaying hateful imagery, if you don’t have the emotional spoons to type a comment, pls take the time to report this kinda content. Hiy hiy 😔
I should also add in a lot of cases for racists like this, you can educate all you want but the reality is they’re not gonna care.

It’s 2020, I’m sorry to say but there’s just some people who really are that hateful in their heart. It’s better to just block, report, etc.
Ps this person made a follow up and they liked this comment.

Co-signing calling the indigenous people who called you out “broke”....luv the doubling down on the anti Indigenous racism!🤪
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