Last eve after the vigil there was a big stand off with chuds in front of the 99 Saloon. At one point there was a line of femmes confronting chuds, and I heard a guy say, “Why is it only women up there?!?” and I believe that was a little sexist. [thread]
I actually called it out when I heard him say it, but I misidentified the behavior as ‘misogynistic’ when it was actually ‘sexist’. Above is a good article that distinguishes the difference between these two terms, and how they are not interchangeable. This behavior can be very..
subtle and unconscious, but it needs to be recognized. I see/hear a lot of sexism & misogyny OTG and it rarely gets called out. After I called out the behavior, a femme said, to me, that we (men) should be supporting this line of femmes standing up to the chuds. I replied with...
“We’re here. I’m right here.” The femme replies, “then take a few steps closer.” I listened and moved in closer so that I was standing directly behind the line of femmes.

The bottom line is that I support anyone who wants to stand up to the chuds and I stand beside you...
(or behind you in this case). But if a line of femmes or non-binary people wants to face of with chuds, it’s not the place of men to deny them that opportunity. Men OTG should be better at recognizing their sexist behavior regardless of how subtle it may be. We’re all equals...
and I’ll be one to say that I’ve witnessed many women and non-binary people OTG that are tougher & smarter than I—so I won’t be one to stand in your way, but I stand with you.

I called out this behavior from a place of love, and from a place of wanting us to be better...
I hope that someone would’ve called me out just the same had I displayed any behavior that needed to be checked. I think we all have some type of behavior that needs to unlearned/deprogrammed. We’re all products of this cruel society and it’s our duties to be better & help others
Here is some more literature about how misogyny and sexism can tear apart and destroy radical movements. It’s happened throughout history and it needs to stop now if we want to be successful
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