OK, I'll bite. https://twitter.com/randyhillier/status/1322347781252653057
Dolores Cahill: A University College Dublin (UCD) professor, who chairs the Eurosceptic Irish Freedom Party, has been asked to resign from a leading European Union scientific committee over online claims she made about the Covid-19 pandemic.
Lockdown and social distancing is not needed to stop the spread of the virus, she said. People who recover are then “immune for life” after 10 days and deaths and illnesses could have been prevented by extra vitamins, she claimed.
People with underlying health conditions, such as cystic fibrosis, could freely engage in society during the pandemic after spending a few weeks building up their immunity in this manner, she went on.
Opposing vaccinations, Ms Cahill said “politicians and the media” are using Covid-19 “as a fear-mongering propaganda tool to try and take away rights from people and to make them more sick and to force vaccinations on us.”
Dr. R. Zac Cox: Dr. R. Zac Cox, BDS graduated as a dentist from the Cardiff Dental School
As a holistic dentist he combines the knowledge and findings of traditional dentistry with naturopathy and collaborates with experts from various fields.
The learned dentist believes that 90% of Covid Test are False Positives
Dr. Scott Jensen:
Dr. Scott Jensen, Minnesota State Senator, is being investigated by the Minnesota Board of Medical Practice for allegedly spreading misinformation about COVID-19 as well as comments he made regarding CDC guidelines for the completion of death certificates.
Dr Mikael Nordfors :
A Swedish physician who has been investigated for malpractice a number of times. He is barred from practising medicine in Denmark.
Dr Andrew Kaufmann:

Kaufman is a “natural healing consultant” who rose to prominence recently in a viral video in which he claimed a vaccine against coronavirus would “genetically modify” humans.
In the video, he talks about how a future vaccine would provide a vessel to “inject genes” into humans, first by a procedure known as “electroporation”, in which an electric current “create[s] little holes in our cells that allow the DNA to go into our own cells”
and then through the insertion of “foreign proteins that supposedly generate immunity”.

Kaufman concludes that the vaccine, like the results of biotechnology in agriculture, will make humans “genetically modified organisms”.
There is no scientific evidence for any of his claims.
Dr Mohammed Adil:

Dr Adil is a consultant surgeon in the NHS who is currently under investigation by the General Medical Council (GMC) after posting videos to YouTube claiming coronavirus is a hoax and is being orchestrated by elites to control humanity.
A GMC spokesperson told the British Medical Journal: “The interim orders tribunal imposed an interim suspension on Dr Adil’s registration, following our referral, to protect patients and public confidence.
“This interim suspension remains in place while we consider concerns about Dr Adil’s fitness to practise.”
Please folks, the thousands of doctors that Mr. Hillier gleefully likes to rely on seem to be a very questionable lot.
Real doctors, you know the ones that still have licenses, believe that regardless of your beliefs on the Covid pandemic, you should follow the advice of your local public health authorities
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