1/20. Do not obey in advance. #OnTyranny
2/20. Defend institutions. #OnTyranny
3/20. Beware the one-party state. #OnTyranny
4/20. Take responsibility for the face of the world. #OnTyranny
5/20. Remember professional ethics. #OnTyranny
6/20. Be wary of paramilitaries. #OnTyranny
7/20. Be reflective if you must be armed. #OnTyranny
8/20. Stand out. #OnTyranny
9/10. Be kind to our language. #OnTyranny
10/10. Believe in truth. #OnTyranny
11/20. Investigate. #OnTyranny
12/20. Make eye contact and small talk. #OnTyranny
13/20. Practice corporeal politics. #OnTyranny
14/20. Establish a private life. #OnTyranny
15/20. Contribute to good causes. #OnTyranny
16/20. Learn from peers in other countries. #OnTyranny
17/20. Listen for dangerous words. #OnTyranny
18/20. Be calm when the unthinkable arrives. #OnTyranny
19/20. Be a patriot. #OnTyranny
20/20. Be as courageous as you can. #OnTyranny
You can follow @TimothyDSnyder.
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