Useless Consumption

Has there ever been a better description of only fans?

Oh, here’s one. A cucks paradise.

While this post isn’t about either of those two things, I figure it will serve as a reminder -

Don’t be that nerd.

Onwards we go.
The ability to consume garbage is easier than ever - And more addicting.

Big tech is improving daily, VR is here, and you already know what AI is bound to become.

Screen time has to be moderated and approached methodically.
Phone - YouTube - Music - Video Games - Apps(TWITTER) - TV - Sports -

It’s clear that over consumption, in these cases, is a certain death to your creativity.


You’re 26 dude, you won’t wish you had rooted harder for the Seahawks on your deathbed.
Regulation should be set in place, and quite honestly, you don’t need half of those.

You don’t need video games, buddy. I hate to break it to you.

YouTube university is a beautiful thing; we all attend it.

However, while some close the laptop and return to reality -
Others never leave.

They stay on their screens for 6 hours a day, consuming uselessly.

These neural firings are certainly addicted to over consumption and cheap dopamine. Addicted.

As mentioned in previous threads of mine, the brain has been trained to act this way.
Just like a muscle needs new firings to grow, your brain does too.

Life isn’t a movie where you magically wake up one day cured of addiction.

And by that I mean you will have a tough time overcoming them.
The brain will limit what your soul has in mind until consistently taught otherwise.

This is where momentum plays a massive role.

Build that momentum like you’re at war with the bullshit that plagues you.

Write it down - Fail - Understand - Try again - Succeed.
Your brain will start to pick up on what you’re teaching it, giving way to new neural firings and habits.

More Walking - Less Xbox -
More Reading - Less Music -
More Writing - Less Scrolling -
More Meditating - Less Bullshitting.
You can follow @BrandonAldae.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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