Widespread racist voter intimidation is underway across the country. Trump supporters have attacked voters in rural and urban areas. This racist intimidation could not happen without the sometimes tacit, sometimes open approval of police, and goading from Donald Trump himself.
In a predominantly African American neighborhood of Brooklyn, a white police officer broadcast “Trump 2020” over the loudspeaker on a police car, adding, “put it on Youtube. Put it on Facebook. Trump 2020.”
In Pinellas County, Florida, two armed men claiming to work for the Trump campaign stationed themselves at a St. Petersburg polling place. The sheriff of Pinellas County dismissed this act of aggression as a “non-event.”
In Philadelphia in 2003, men with clipboards, in black sedans and wearing badges were dispatched to African American neighborhoods to ask potential voters for identification.
The struggle of oppressed peoples in the United States to exercise their basic right to vote deserves support from the broadest layers of progressives and working class. Curtailing these rights have long been a project of the most fascistic elements of U.S. politics.
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