BREAKING: New polling shows gun safety messaging from @Everytown and @momsdemand broke through this cycle and is persuading voters in battleground states, moving the needle by up to SIX POINTS in favor of Democratic candidates:
A whopping 84 percent of likely voters across battleground states say a candidates’ position on gun policy is important in deciding who to vote for, including 85 percent of suburban women.
Across AZ, CO, FL, IA, MN, NC, PA & TX - states that will make or break this election - new polling illustrates a cultural shift that @Everytown and @MomsDemand have seen for years: voters overwhelmingly want gun laws strengthened, not weakened, now by more than a 4:1 margin.
Eight years ago, I started @MomsDemand from my kitchen table, and now, gun safety is quite literally a kitchen table issue. We’re on the precipice of electing the strongest gun safety ticket in history, and this new polling shows there’s been a shift on gun safety in our country.
The research also shows the weakened gun lobby's waning influence. An overwhelming majority of voters, nearly 60%, say an NRA endorsement makes them less likely to vote for a candidate or doesn’t influence their thinking. The number is even higher among suburban women.
Polling shows that @Everytown has a +21 favorability rating while the gun lobby’s favorability is underwater (-19). In fact, a majority of voters say that an endorsement by the NRA either makes no difference to their vote or makes them less likely to vote for that candidate.
. @realdonaldtrump is begging suburban women to “like him,” claiming he’s made neighborhoods safer (false).

Suburban women are voting for safety, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean voting for Trump. There is no question that we are vastly less safe than we were four years ago.
Over 145K Americans have died from gun violence and 226K from COVID on Trump’s watch. This administration has shown inaction - and even indifference - in the face of these dual crises.

You can pretty much sum up their response to both crises in two words: thoughts and prayers.
Gun sales are surging and voters understand the link between gun violence and COVID - they believe background checks on all gun sales is more important now than a year ago.

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