I'm quite passionate about CV19 - NOT because I'm some sort of virologist, epidemiologist, or even a doctor.

I look at numbers every day for a living. I have to look at them with professional skepticism. My job is to look for reasons that people might fudge numbers. https://twitter.com/QTheWakeUp/status/1322525736490717185
As a CPA with over 20 years of experience looking at numbers and a masters in forensic accounting, I can perform acrobats with numbers. Sniffing out fishy numbers is second nature to me. Hell I've even caught the IRS in multi-million dollar errors.
Let's take a look at a few numbers from CV19 that don't add up.

I'm not even going to discuss political pressure

Exhibit A - note the stats this year. If CV19 was a "thing" and assuming 220K is the correct number - deaths for this year from all causes should exceed 3,000,000!
Exhibit B - We we told how hospitals were "overrun" with CV19 patients. People were lining up!

Explain, please, why the CARES Act set aside billions for hospitals alone to mitigate their losses.

Exhibit C - Hospitals were guaranteed payments for patients with CV19 as part of CARES act - don't believe me? You can read it for yourself! https://www.congress.gov/116/bills/s3548/BILLS-116s3548is.xml
Exhibit D - vaccines are BIG money so getting everyone to take a vaccine and ensuring it's paid for is HUGE financial incentive for pushing CV19 fear on the public.

Even the CDC is making bank on this - they hold patents that ensure they get a slice of the pie
Exhibit E - Contact tracing is not new. In fact, the patent was awarded in 2016 to CHINESE OWNED IBM. (Read that again!)

Another giant $$ generator for CV19 is Contact Tracing applications.

Do you really want the Chinese knowing your every move?

This just scratches the surface of so many numbers with CV19 that are fishy!

Could we fight mask use? 👍
Could we fight political deception?

I don't want to.

I want to talk REAL numbers!

Something doesn't add up
When the CDC tells us that only 6% of their reported numbers actually died OF Covid19 not WITH the virus - there is a serious reporting problem.

I did not make this number up out of thin air.

To date only 12,600 actually died OF Covid19
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