Slovakia’s doing across-the-board free nationwide Covid testing this and next weekend. The most demanding exercise in the country’s history, because they’ve had * checks notes: 219 deaths since the pandemic began.
No panic, stress, no anti-maskers or Covid deniers.
Ministers and party members from the ruling coalition have volunteered themselves & their HQ as a testing site in the capital city. The army & hundreds of thousands of volunteers (including immigrants/foriegn/medical students).l are assisting. 1 million tests done before lunch.
Labour Minister Jozef Mihal has been acting “cloakroom clerk” since 6 a.m.
Others with medical qualifications are doing more advanced work.
But Jozef is happy with his task😀.
Health authority select committee chair Janka Ciganikova is helping take samples.
Capital city governer Juraj Droba is on charge of test results and is personally giving people their test results...
Minister of Economy (and my mate) explaining the testing procedure to my son.
This is hands-on handling of the testing process, not just a photo opportunity. They’ve been there since sunrise, and will be again tomorrow.
Getting dark, but people are still turning up in huge numbers to be tested.
Free live music while you wait. Testing tents and marquees hired from local entertainment/event companies that have suffered due to be pandemic.
Sorry for the typos. It’s a bit chilly.
There’s an app featuring all testing sites nationwide. It tells you how many people are waiting at each location etc.
Many test sites are live streaming so you can see how long the queues are.
Health Minister Marej Krajci has been anonymously taking samples and doing tests all day in the capital’s largest suburb - one of the most densely populated areas in Europe (in full PPE, unnanounced, unrecognizable).
News now breaking on BBC News:
“Boris Johnson has contacted the Slovak government”.

He should’ve done that in February.
Day 2. Minister & MPs once again on the frontlines this morning.
The target is 4 million people over 4 days - 80% of the country.
After spending most of the day in the capital, I didn’t see a single person without a mask. They are mandatory everywhere (including outdoors).
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