Today #ReformationDay 2020 - the day in 1517 when Catholic monk Martin #Luther nailed his 95 theses against the Castle Church door in #Witttenberg #Reformationstag #Reformation A thread.
It ultimately lead to his break with the #Catholic #Church the #Reformation and nearly 500 years of religious wars on the European continent. In the 16th century a disagreement arose in the about how human beings were justified in front of God.
In 1999 after centuries the Roman #Catholic #Church and the worldwide Lutheran World Federation @lwf reached agreement on one of the most hotly contested points of the #Reformation the issue of justification. #ReformationDay #Reformationstag
On 1999 in #Augsburg they reached an agreement on this fundamental issue. The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification (JDDJ) was signed by German #Cardinal Walter Kasper for the #Vatican and #Zimbabwean LWF @lutheranworld general-secretary Dr. Ishmael Noko
In 2016 the reconciliation went further when Pope Francis @Pontifex attended an ecumenical service in the historical Cathedral of #Lund #Sweden with #Lutheran representatives from around the world and the Swedish royals. #ReformationDay #Reformationstag #Reformation
Similar agreements were made - 2006 World Methodist Counci and 2017 in #Wittenberg with #WCRC @Reformedcomunio representing 80 million members of Congregational, #Presbyterian, #Reformed, United, Uniting and #Waldensian #churches. #ReformationDay
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