Yesterday when legally placing @JoeBiden signs on a public road in LI a man named @roysilber w/ @corcorangroup pulled up parked his car besides me, illegally ripped up the sign & threw it in2 a puddle.Since I was alone I immediately grabbed my phone.This scary incident ensued. 1/
I had no idea who this despicable man #RoySilber was that proceeded to call me “a fucking Cunt”, & said “fuck u” & when I asked who he was he said “you should know who I am”, & “you’ll find out.” He also included the threat “watch me, for You & everyone in your family” 2/
He also threatened me to “watch him” & follow him because ”all signs going down.”

Later, I find out this father @roysilber lives in my neighborhood. I had to block #RoySilber in Oct ‘18 Bc he was threatening & harassing me on fb, so much so that I had to file a police report 3/
I did end up driving around and discovered he did illegally take down at least 4 of the signs, crumbled them and threw them aside.

When someone shows you who they are, believe them.
I’m posting this as a PSA for my Long Island community & to protect my family. I was within my legal rights & will not be intimidated nor silenced. This behavior by deranged Trump supporters is vile & should never be tolerated. This is the vitriol that Trump Et al has fomented 5/
Since I was merely answering the @JoeBiden sign distribution ad from the @NassauDems I am tagging elected officials Bc they should know what’s happening in their backyard: @RepTomSuozzi @NassauExecutive @AnnaMKaplan @madelinesingas @JayJacobs28 @gina_sillitti @LurveyVeronica 6/
After going to my early polling place & confirming that not only did he wear this anti Biden sweatshirt w/i 100 ft of the entry but inside the polls he was told to remove it, I went to the 6th Police Precinct. I filed a harassment complaint and will be taking additional steps 7/
I will be filing a restraining order agar @roysilber because #RoySilber has threatened me in private on FB in the past & this is becoming a pattern. I can’t imagine how any man could ever talk to a woman this way. Thank u everyone 4 your support. Crazy times. Let us be safe. End
According to the Corcoran Group statement they have dissociated themselves w:Roy, the man that accosted me. Thx to all the shares & attention that was brought, Roy Silber finally made a statement on fb. His statement was a passive aggressive non apology that was libelous. Thread
I wanted to address his statement, because I take both the incident very seriously as it was threatening & scary to me as well as the accusation of being an antisemite.

His comments abt me being an anti-semite are outrageous & libelous & I will release a statement w/my lawyer 2/
My husband is Jewish, my children are being raised both Jewish & Catholic & my grandfather was Jewish. Suggesting that my views & perspectives about the condition currently existing in the State of Israel somehow makes me anti-semitic is reprehensible & will not be tolerated. 3/
Criticism of actions made by the Israeli govt doesnt make you an anti-semite just like criticism of the actions of the US govt doesn't make you un-American. This isn't about who I am. This is about a man who thought it was ok to act & speak this way toward a woman with venom. 4/
He is trying to paint himself as the victim and trying to paint me, an outspoken advocate of social, racial and economic justice, as an agitator. This is a tried and true deflection method to silence a strong woman who speaks truth to power but instead is labeled as a bully. 5/
This will not be tolerated. This is a repeated pattern of cowards towards bold passionate #womenofcolor and I will never be silenced or made to feel as though I shouldn't speak up when I see any forms of injustice, or when I challenge the status quo or shake the table. 6/
So once again thank you all 4 ur solidarity. We must stand united & protect each other from monsters like #RoySilber & from Republican vitriol as well as call out all forms of hatred, bigotry, racism, xenophobia or misogyny & always fight for equality & justice for all ❤️✊🏽 End
Furthermore, I have dedicated 100s of hours of my life the last 4 years to SHOW up 4 every single marginalized community to shed light and amplify their injustices literally around the country including protests, rallies & vigils with several at SCOTUS & on Capitol Hill in DC. 1/
I take my reputation EXTREMELY seriously & while I don’t feel as though I need to defend my accomplishments I want there 2 be no mistake of who I am & and who I fight for.I have sacrificed countless days of my life leaving behind my 4 children to fight for someone I don’t know 2/
I spent 2 wks @ the Kavanaugh hearings, 2 wks ago I was screamed & coughed on by vile mask-less ACB ppl. I have attended many BLM protests across US. Ive fought 4 gun reform, Climate, agst the separation of families at the border, & volunteered in Juarez at a migrant shelter. 3/
I have fought for women’s reproductive rights countless times & was at the passing of the RHA in NY invited by my State Senator the day it was passed in Albany. I received the Nassau County Community Champion Award from Planned Parenthood in 2019 for my unstoppable activism. 3/
I’ve attended various antisemitism/ anti-Islamophobia rallies/vigils through the years. Ive been on Capitol Hill various times where I have confronted hostile Mbrs of Congress as well as supported & thanked reps that fight for our democracy and values that I too fight for. 4/
As a WOC myself, I am an unwavering vocal dedicated supporter of the 4 Women of Color Congresswomen known as #TheSquad: Reps @AOC @RashidaTlaib @IlhanMN
& @AyannaPressley & 100% align myself w/their values & belief systems & will never cower w/my allegiance & support of them. 5/
I’m all too familiar with the intent of #cancelculture & the fact that an antisemitism claim is often used as a cudgel agst these 4 WOC as well as other Social/Racial Justice leaders & Progressive resistance movement individuals as a way to shut down legitimate conversation. 6/
I’ve fought 4 policing & criminal justice reform, healthcare & housing as a human right, ally of the LGBT community & fought all forms of human rights violations whether here or abroad etc.. I use whatever privileges I have w/honor to speak out & often for those who can not. 7/
I have attended SCOTUS confirmation protests in DC, was targeted by right wing media, sat in on our fascist bigoted corrupt President Trumps Senate impeachment hearings, have protested McConnell/ Graham & I am allied w/multiple REPUTABLE resistance orgs & groups across America 8/
Point being...I sleep VERY WELL @ night knowing who I am, what my record of activism entails & how,where & why I show up 2 make our country a more just society & 2 uplift the voiceless.
So if someone is going 2 make libelous accusations U best have done ur research.

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