Statement from @RedLabour_ on the suspension of @JeremyCorbyn.


It’s important that we recognise the enormity of what has happened here.
These actions by Keir Starmer, in withdrawing the whip from the previous & democratically elected leader of the Labour Party, and suspending his membership of the party, are unprecedented. This is not just about Jeremy. These actions are an attack on us all.
The suspension of Mr Corbyn doesn’t seem to have any constitutional basis & it even goes against the recommendation of the EHRCs report - which explicitly says that members are protected from expressing their opinions on the scale of antisemitism in the party. So what’s it about?
Well, firstly, it’s a naked political attack on the Corbyn project. It’s about emptying the party of socialists as soon as possible. This can be done by disciplinary means or by people tearing up their party cards.
Secondly, it’s a huge attack on free speech & the right to discuss issues in the party. Starmer & those around him are trying, not just to scare off as many socialists as they can, but make the party safe for their New Labour-lite project for decades to come.
To do that, they have to close down what they see as a dangerous culture of debate in the party. They want to return us to a situation where the fee-paying members of the party are merely foot soldiers again, members in name only.
Whether you are a signed up Corbynista or not, whether you intend to stay in the party or not, this should matter to you.
This is a closing down of our democratic freedoms & our rights to speak out. That will drag the centre-ground of British politics to the right. At a time when the far right are making happy alliances with the Tory Party in government, that’s a very dangerous scenario.
As a Labour left, we have to be honest. Collectively, we underestimated the enemy. Though many warned against it, some of those in prominent positions didn’t do enough to defend our movement & reach out to build it. This is where it has ended up.
We need now to decide whether we are going to fight or fade away.
The battle to defend Corbyn is about so much more than a man, it’s about the future of socialism in this country. It is about being able to fight the racists of the Tory hard right & the far right without having our hands tied behind our backs.
We need to come together & organise, campaign & fight to reinstate Jeremy, but more fundamentally, to stop this looming disaster.
We stand with @JeremyCorbyn & demand he is reinstated with immediate effect.

@Keir_Starmer @AngelaRayner @UKLabour

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