On the left: Everland. On the right: Itaewon.

Seeing how people behave during a pandemic, I have to ask myself how I ever defended libertarianism. I really don't think I can do so with a straight face anymore.

Also, conservatives are blocked from protesting, but this is okay? https://twitter.com/Taa_aaa_aaa/status/1322400741001109504
I defended the "Moon Jae-in Fortress" - the wall-to-wall blocking of roads by police buses to prevent conservatives from protesting in Gwanghwamun Square even though it was just a drive-thru protest. I said it was because there was a chance they'd get out of their cars.
But now I see this, and once again, I feel like a total idiot. Does COVID-19 have a conservative bias? Does it infect only conservatives and turn them into super spreaders while it leaves everyone else alone? What the fuck is this?!
If I sound angry, that's because I am fucking angry.
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