Interesting points made on the discourse of compartmentalization regarding English Language & English Literature. Interesting points on the assumption of distraction of Language or Linguistics from the study of Literature. Lots of food for thought! @mmgiovanelli #TELLlaunchevent
Interesting points on transparent analysis and providing common ground for discussing a text - using a uniform set of reference terms for discussion, in a way that makes our 'working out visible' @mmgiovanelli #TELLlaunchevent
Using linguistics as a way of developing more nuanced interpretation of poetry, supporting pupils to consider language decisions to create meaning @mmgiovanelli #TELLlaunchevent
At the centre of English Literature should be English Language - concepts, registers, linguistics, literary discourse. 'Literature is produced through language; reading is an experience that is mediated through an encounter with language.' @mmgiovanelli #TELLlaunchevent
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