1: Women have, for most of human history, been considered to be property/servers of men (many still are). The reason for this subjugation wasn’t/isn’t identity; it was/is biology.

The commodification of women was a result of the biopolitical value of women as childbearers.
2: This patriarchal model treated/treats men of low birth as disposable and women as spoils of war or valuable merchandise to be traded (alliances between powerful families were/are consolidated by marriage).
3: To ignore the role of biology in the fight for women’s rights is to deny the oppression that many women and girls have endured and many still do in many parts of the world.
4: I am a transgender woman and I support the right of trans people to live their true self happily, free from discrimination and safe from persecution and violence.
5: We must, however, support trans people (who often suffer an identity or expression-based oppression) without downplaying the role of biology in the oppression of women.
6: Many women and girls still are subjugated and treated as property or servers of men. They need our support, and to do that effectively we must understand that the oppression they suffer is fundamentally different from the oppression transgender people suffer.
*I just noticed how I wrote “servers” instead of “servants” throughout the thread... sorry for the typo.
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