[Thread] Protecting yourself from viruses ‘is not just about ventilation, it’s about humidity in rooms’ -Dr @laoneill111 on @NewstalkFM #Covid19

& here’s why... 1/
In autumn conditions, as across Europe now, temperatures have dropped (10-15°C) people have moved indoors, heating is on & windows closed. #Covid19 cases have risen 2/
It’s similar to last Spring when the hot-spot #Covid19 outbreaks were in yellow zone (Wuhan, New York, Seattle, cities in Iran, Italy, Spain, France, UK & Ireland) at 5-11°C, low absolute humidity 3/ https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/fullarticle/2767010
in lab conditions the half-life of #Covid19 virus is ~more than 24 hours at 10 C, 40 % RH~ compared to ‘an hour & a half at 27 C, 65 % RH’
So virus can survive much, much longer in autumn air 4/ https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.10.16.341883v1.full.pdf
In Dublin last Wednesday (28/10/20) outdoor air was 7-10°C with 70-75% relative humidity (RH)

When 10°C, 70% RH air comes inside & is heated to 20° the RH drops to just 36%
5°C air drops to 26% RH
0°C air drops to <20% RH
(Sahara desert is 25% RH) 5/
in dry indoor air, droplets with virus dry out faster... & lighter aerosol particles float longer the air; if the room isn’t well ventilated, they build up & spread (like cigarette smoke) 6/ https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vTgVkamic82Ux90zCWb5NFC6gYcDSWKYxKgh2y49uHQ5OJfGBAuQXs8igbmOaGqODI9wJ0UUnpo1dZu/pub#h.mn26k9t30qzo
so there’s both more virus in the indoor air to inhale .. ~and~ dryer nose & throat for virus to land on, meaning much higher risk of infection 7/
NPHET has no expertise in buildings or environmental engineering

This science is not part of Ireland’s #Covid19 public health message, prevention plan or epidemiological model

High risk places with ~known & preventable~ high risk conditions are largely unchanged at #Level5 10/
So, an incomplete ‘model’ (missing all the environmental science) may be why there’s so much confusion about interpreting NPHET results (even from people in NPHET)

..meaning there’s no certain outcome from #Lockdown2, because it’s a hammer, instead of a scalpel 11/ https://twitter.com/newschambers/status/1322252416637636609
Ireland’s public health plan is out of step & out of date; as a result there is unnecessary social isolation, job losses & business closures on the one hand .. & ~unknowing~ high risk activity on the other particularly, in care homes, hospitals, schools, cars & family homes 12/
Listen back: RTE Radio #Covid19 prevention through safe clean indoor air & ventilation with @MoyneFlu @boucherhayes on @TodaywithClaire https://www.rte.ie/radio/radioplayer/html5/#/radio1/21856340
‘Active & targeted prevention of specific high-risk conditions, such as meat plants, direct provision, overcrowded housing & schools is key to both keeping buildings open & people out of hospital, without compromising the health services or the economy’ https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/why-good-ventilation-is-key-to-stopping-the-spread-of-covid-19-1.4374754
.. https://twitter.com/orla_hegarty/status/1322876916219678727
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