Driving south into Hazel Dell on route 99, a line of people are waving an assortment of flags including the star spangled banner, thin blue line, and Trump flags. This is just blocks from where mourners are holding a candlelight vigil for Kevin Peterson Jr.
Candles being lit in preparation for a vigil in honor of Kevin Peterson Jr, who was shot and killed by police at this location last night.
#BlackLivesMatter dancing at the entrance to the US Bank parking lot where the vigil is being held. Across the street is a small group of Trump supporters with a couple flags.
Hundreds of people are gathered to light candles and hold space in remembrance of Kevin Peterson Jr
The candlelight vigil had begun. People are walking up one by one, placing candles and other items at this community-built shrine
Candlelight vigil for Kevin Peterson Jr has filled the parking lot with more people still arriving.
After about an hour of shouting confrontations across the street from each other, a handful of Black men cross the street and engage in conversation with members of a right wing group protesting the candlelight vigil.
Meanwhile, the vigil continues in the parking lot
A truck with an American flag and Trump flag speeds past the crowd, which has taken over one lane of traffic
Due to several reckless drivers, protesters have blocked a section of the street in front of the vigil with vehicles
The driver of a car with two flags stops to see if anything was thrown at their car and yell at folks, gets confronted, then speeds off
The vigil has ended. A large number of mourners have moved to march in Esther Short Park in Vancouver.
Mourners walking to their cars were confronted by Trump supporters who were at a local bar. There was a mix of interactions, ranging from political discourse to fighting on the ground and spraying mace.
#BlackLivesMatter supporter from the vigil and a right wing protester come to an understanding
The march is moving through downtown Vancouver with #FrontlineDrumline
There was a standoff with federal officers at the federal building, then the crowd moved on
Targeted damage done to sheriff's office building window and a fence at a home with a giant Trump sign
More flags. This time #BlackLivesMatter and #AntiFascist
Passing a bail bond storefront
High energy right now
Pink car on the scene
Three men guarding the bail bond storefront. One is armed with an AR-15
Two gunshots fired as the men from bail bond place left in an suv. No one was hit. Police stand still and tell crowd to disperse via LRAD
Good boy photoshoot in front of a line of riot cops
Clark County Sheriff's orders
Officers push through debris, then stop. They retreated after this.
Vancouver Police cruisers fill the entire street. Two young Black women dgaf.
I count at least 30 police vehicles
Police line and onlookers on apartment balconies
Vancouver Police behind pushing the small crowd east, executing an arrest
Long slow walk
Vancouver Police push grieving relatives of Kevin Peterson Jr. VPD is one of two agencies involved in his killing.
Clark County Sheriffs officers join, running, and making one arrest for unclear reasons. Then a boss officer paces back and forth.
Officers left. I am home. Goodnight.
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