A quick thread on $ETH vs $SOL

(from the perspective of an ETH/Solidity developer)

👇👇👇👇👇 https://twitter.com/petejkim/status/1321891517124931584
Concerns for both $SOL + $ETH

- Solana has a small validator set which opens it up to collusion attacks. Similar to EOS. It is less decentralized

- Fragmentation/Tradeoffs of $ETH L2s makes composability + fluidity of collateral a challenge going forward.
On Languages:

Solana supports Rust and C/C++. Though better docs for Rust. Rust is low-level so its quite verbose to get a program setup. Take a look at the SPL code for context.

Solidity otoh is high-level (with some in-line assembly). ERC20 is the epitome of simplicity!
On Dev Env:

Solana's local/test node setup is a breeze. And the speed is noticeable. Using solana-web3-js is intuitive. Bad Windows support though.

Ethereum's unexpected behavior across networks (local/test) is a pain. Though tooling like Truffle, Infura, Remix help a lot!
On Debugging:

Smart Contract debugging sucks. Period.

(Though $ETH has more stack-overflow posts)
On Memory Management

Solana has stack/heap limitations. Stack frame is limited to 4kb. You can alloc() to the heap, but as a smart contract dev that isn't fun. Speed tradeoff for memory.

Ethereum otoh just makes storage really expensive w/o too many development restrictions.
On Tooling

Solana is missing a lot of critical tooling: oracles, math libs etc. But @SBF_Alameda @armaniferrante are working on it :)

Expectedly, $ETH has a vast ecosystem of tools and really shines on bringing these disparate open source tools together.

Using a Solana Dapp feels like using a regular web application (with the addition of signing txns). It makes you excited for the future of blockchains. But also makes you question how 'decentralized' it is.
(On UX cont...)

ETH is slow, clunky, and expensive but with that comes the benefit of true decentralization. And the potential to usher in a new unbiased financial system.
Hope this sheds some light @petejkim

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