These findings came with the work of the great @dszakonyi and @acdatacollectiv (both of which I’d recommend following).
The donations from these post-Soviet oligarchs run the gamut, from American think tanks to American universities to American museums to American concert halls, and plenty more:
The question is: Why are these post-Soviet oligarchs funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to willing American non-profit institutes?

The first answer: influencing policy, especially when it comes to American think tanks accepting donations from these kleptocrats.
The second answer: reputation laundering, both for these oligarchs and the governments to which they're close.
These donations present (another) massive hole in the U.S.'s anti-kleptocracy regime.

Just like realtors, shell company operators, and hedge fund managers, these non-profits have no legal requirements to turn away oligarchs or their suspect/dirty money.
But there are some solutions:

—Transparency, via a public database of donations
—New public ethical guidelines on donation acceptance policies
—Formal donation review committees
—Enhanced due diligence procedures, similar to American banks
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