2 “A nasty leftist made me do it” excuse doesn’t wash and not just because it’s infantilising. Trump’s racism and misogyny drive voters towards authoritarian left politics. A Trump victory, almost certainly won with electoral fraud, will only persuade others to follow them
3. If supposedly civilised conservatives are sincerely worried about left authoritarianism, rather than being secret admirers of racial exclusion and plutocratic economics, they would vote for Biden and stop their country being dragged into an extremist spiral.
4. We in the UK ought to know the danger America faces. In 2019 millions who viewed Johnson with well-justified suspicion voted for him because they feared Corbyn more and vice versa. There was no possible good outcome the country.
6. There is a necessarily brutal demolition of the
bad faith of "involuntary conservatives" on the excellent @TheBARPod podcast here https://barpodcast.fireside.fm/35 
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