I’ve authored over 500 PR's at AWS.

As a jr engineer I hated receiving comments. I didn’t know how to address them with effectiveness.

I improved by cultivating empathic listening. I shipped production code in fewer iterations.

Here’s how I address PR comments. 🧵 👇
1️⃣ I understand why peer feedback matters.

My peers have unique technical paradigms. They’re intelligent individuals with a variety of experiences.

Their perspective exposes areas of my code to improve. Their willingness to review shows an investment in my growth.

2️⃣ I read PR comments in monotone.

I imagine they’re talking with a straight face, calm tone and friendly demeanor. This nullifies my instinct to get defensive.

It calibrates my reference frame. They’re helping, not criticizing. (Exception: toxic people.)

3️⃣ I clarify every comment.

Ambiguous or half-baked comments are the enemy. I refuse to “guess” what the reviewer wants. The cost of guessing wrong is a derailment of my time.

I don’t touch the code lines in question until I understand the reviewer’s suggestion.

4️⃣ I take time to understand the *reason why* behind every comment.

This engrains the underlying principle in my brain. It helps me remember the principle in future coding situations.

Even most nitpicks have a justifiable *reason why.* I take them seriously.

5️⃣ I view the feedback through an objective lens.

It doesn’t matter if the reviewer is a newly hired jr, or a staff engineer with 15 years of experience.

Only the truth matters. The comment is either correct, incorrect or debatable.

6️⃣ I express gratitude for correct comments.

It takes diligence to find flaws or ideate a more readable approach. I thank my peers when they do so.

Sometimes one comment applies to many places. I fix the flaw in every applicable place within the PR.

7️⃣ I fix my code even for incorrect comments.

Incorrect comments are indications that my code caused confusion.

I ask myself, "what caused this person to say that?"

I find the root cause of confusion. Most of the time it exposes an opportunity to clarify my code.

8️⃣ I compare the *reasons why* for debatable comments.

I seek first to understand their view. Then for them to understand mine. In that order.

I stand my ground when my *reason why* is stronger. If necessary I bring in a third person to resolve a disagreement.

9️⃣ I avoid sunk cost fallacy.

It doesn’t matter how much time I spent on the first revision. If I did it wrong, I take a flamethrower to my code and fix it.

I double check the comments before submitting a new revision for thoroughness.

The above 👆 steps helped me leverage feedback from my teammates to improve and grow. This raised my PR quality over time.

What suggestions do you have for addressing PR feedback?
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