This thread perfectly encapsulates everything wrong with the “cancel culture” narrative, and the absolute rank hypocrisy of @benshapiro.
As far as Ben himself is concerned, he is perhaps the least cancelled person alive. He’s a multi-millionaire media mogul with a massive platform.
FYI, this is the same guy who complains about conservatives being fired for their political opinions, but had NOTHING to say when there were calls from the POTUS that football players who kneel for the national anthem should
be fired for their opinions.
He also believes that preventing businesses from firing or denying service to LGBTQ people is a violation of “religious freedom.” The difference is, according to the SCOTUS, sexual orientation (like race) is a legally protected class, but political opinions aren’t.
Nor should it be! This makes perfect sense; no one chooses their sexual orientation, no one chooses their race, but people absolutely choose their opinions. You’re entitled to choose your opinions, and people are entitled to choose how to react to those opinions (non-violently).
That’s how discourse in a free society has always been. Ben loves talking about the “free market competition of ideas,” but is unwilling to accept the reality that in that competition, his ideas have lost. Conservative ideas are held by the minority of people today.
For corporations to maximize profit, they must appeal to the majority, which means cynically pandering to the “left wing narrative.” It seems Ben’s problem isn’t with the radical socialists, but the free-market capitalists doing what they’ve always done; trying to make money.
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