The EHRC report is a vindication of the struggle of Jewish activists who rightly called the Labour party on antisemitism. But it couldn't have been won without the struggles for equality of other minorities - let's not forget this. Thread:
The EHRC report vindicates many Labour members and activists who consistently argued that Labour had a serious problem on Antisemitism, and that the party failed to deal with it.
Yes: there was a political weaponising and media fetishism of Jews. But there were also Jewish activists who had to deal with unacceptable levels harassment and discrimination. And that's what counts. Read accounts here 3/
The EHRC report vindicates these accounts and shows the seriousness of the problem. *It does so on general anti-racist basis.* Not because Jews deserve special protection or because that there's something completely unique about antisemitism. 4/
The basis for the report is the UK Equality legislation. Not special definitions or complicated narratives of "political antisemitism" vs. "racial antisemitism". The basis here is equality and the universal right not to have to deal with racist discrimination and harassment. 5/
For those who believe in special definitions, it should be pointed out that the basis for this resounding and damning report is not the IHRA definition (which is not legally binding), but UK Equality legislation. 6/
Let us all remember that this Equality legislation, and the creation of the EHRC in 2007 by Labour, is the product of struggles against anti-racism, such as the campaigns against institutional racism in the metropolitan police around the murder of Stephen Lawrence. 7/
Jews here benefited directly from struggles to protect the rights of black and ethnic minority communities. And the EHRC report on antisemitism, in turn, would benefit other groups as they fight against racism.

If anyone needed proof for the need for solidarity, this is it. 8/
The report shows that tackling antisemitism in the wider struggle against racism and bigotry, is not only the right thing but also the most effective way - rather than treating it as an exceptional phenomenon.
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