Starmer has snookered himself again with his decision to suspend Corbyn. He either has to follow the logic of the suspension and expel Jeremy, igniting a Labour civil war or he doesn't and gets called weak by the media and Tories..
(Thread 1 of 7)
2/ Starmer will find it hard to resist not expelling Corbyn. Almost every media question on his briefing today was on this. He will get it all the time. The Remainer extremists will push him hard on it too (see below). These are the people who backed him.
3/ Stamer has above all given the Tories a gift. Gove's letter to him is bare faced opportunism but it's set the political tone. These are the questions that will haunt Starmer and more so if he doesn't expel Jeremy.
4/ So if he doesn't expel Jeremy, the right (blue and red) and the media will be on his on his case and it will come up in the GE. But if he does expel JC, he will face a legal action which Labour will most likely lose, Jeremy is on 100% solid ground. If however..
5/ Starmer avoids that and can expel Jeremy it's likely other prominent Left MPs may also be targeted for expulsion. This just opens up a non stop civil war until the next GE and will wreck that GE as Labour will have been openly at war for 4 years by then
6/ The Right sabotaged Corbyn with a guerrilla campaign, they never had the numbers, the Left do. They were the bulk of activists who did the all weather door knocking and phone banking in elections under Corbyn. All those foot soldiers at best inactive will hurt and at worst..
7/ that mass army with its dominant online voice and the financial muscle of thousands will make the conflict of the Corbyn years look like a bucolic peacetime.
So Starmer's screwed himself if he does or doesn't expel Jeremy. Genius, pure political genius.
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