To be able to deal with abnormal issues in your life you need to pray abnormal prayers - PMDL
Grace flows under the Currency of Honor - PMDL


1.Holy Spirit
2. Angels
3. Men of God
4. Humans

Sometimes it’s not that God hasn’t heard your Prayer, but you are missing the avenue to the answer or looking in the wrong direction - PMDL
The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD, as the rivers of water: He turneth it whithersoever He will. [Proverbs 21:1]
Don’t chase men, chase God who can appoint men to help you.
If you don’t allow God to touch the heart of a man for you they will take advantage and abuse you in helping you out - PMDL
When you have a heart for God, God will also prove to you that your joy is His concern - PMDL
Nobody should be your standard of fulfillment in this Life, otherwise you’ll start sowing a seed of ingratitude and think God is not being fair with you -PMDL
In your comfort zone you will not experience Greatness - PMDL
Mark 4:30-33
Parable of the Mustard Seed

The life of Kingdom people is like a mustard seed,if the mustard seed being the smallest seed can be planted n grows to become a mighty tree then you don’t have an excuse not to be Great
You don’t have to look like it to become it-PMDL
Everything about the mustard seed is hidden.
Many people will despise /look down on the mustard seed (you).
Forgive those who despise you now because of your physical situation/disadvantage.
You self-sabotage yourself if you let opinions of people penetrate your self belief -PMDL
•Discern your Greatness

• It takes Revelation to see your Greatness.
Walk in Revelation and pray God reveals your future to you

•Your Greatness must be Believed.
Believe in yourself,nobody owes you contribution to your self belief.
If no one supports you,support yourself
The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.
Those that be planted in the house of the LORD shall flourish in the courts of our God.
(Psalm 92:12-13)
Your growth in Life as a Christian is connected to your Planting so stop roaming and get planted.
Most Christians are not planted they are just visitors.
When you are planted you grow roots,there is consistency -PMDL
Your relationship with God is expressive in your Relationship with His House.
When your relationship with God is strong it will reflect in your activity in His house - PMDL
Great Growth (Greatness /success ) does not come until you are ready for it.
Until you stretch forth there can’t be a breaking forth.
When you make space God fills it;
God will give you what you are ready for not what you are waiting for - PMDL
I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it. [Psalms 81:10]
God doesn’t force His blessings on anyone, you will have to ‘ open your mouth wide’ before you enjoy it.
You will have to desire it,want it, and expect it before it comes - PMDL
Whatever you want to become / accomplish;
If you have not started thinking about it and planning for it already then it won’t become a reality - PMDL
Be very spiritual but don’t be foolish - PMDL
It is easier for God to favor the knowledgeable than favor the ignorant.
Build capacity for your vision and prepare yourself.
Don’t live your life to chance and luck - PMDL
The time will never be perfect to do anything .
Attempt big things,
Take certain steps that are beyond you.
Reject small thinking/vision -PMDL
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. [1 Corinthians 3:6]

Planting and watering is the responsibility of man. God won’t do this for you ,we must do this on our own.
God gives the increase and He increases only what you plant
How does a Child of God live in Divine provision ?

How does a Child of God unlock blessings into their Life ?
The price to walk in this provision /favor is found in this scripture :

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. [Matthew 6:33]
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