1. There has always been a ton of smoke around the relationship between Trump and Erdogan, two of the most corrupt leaders in the world. Whatever happens in November, this has to be investigated and people held accountable. https://twitter.com/EricLiptonNYT/status/1321822804631789569
3. I was in meetings when Erdogan would demand that Obama send Gulen to Turkey. Obama would have to firmly and patiently explain that even the President cannot interfere in the US Justice system (norms! how quaint)
10. The simple fact is this: corruption is the lubricant of authoritarianism around the world, the connective tissue between many of the autocrats we see in power today. They claim to be nationalists, but they put their own profit first.
11. We have to get to the bottom of this both for the sake of accountability, but also because it's essential to combat the way in which corruption has undermined democracy.
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