Nixon’s GOP strategist, in 1970:

"From now on, the Republicans are never going to get more than 10-20% of the Negro vote...The more Negroes who register as Democrats...the sooner the Negrophobe whites will quit the Democrats & become Republicans. That’s where the votes are."
Like Trump, Nixon used SCOTUS appointments to get white supremacist votes: "he nominated G. Harrold Carswellt...who believed that “segregation of the races was...the only practical & correct way of life” & averred a "firm vigorous belief in the principles of white supremacy."
"When the nomination failed, Nixon blamed it on anti-Southern prejudice, saying, 'I understand the bitter feeling of millions of Americans who live in the South about the act of regional discrimination that took place in the Senate yesterday.'..[erasing] Carswell’s racism"
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