I keep think about this very thing with regard to the father complex and the mother complex. Both are so loud right now. I can’t unsee them. Yet, they are invisible to the masses.

Themes of neglect, gaslighting, narcissism... whew! It’s triggering and crazymaking. https://twitter.com/shrinkthinks/status/1321477798582648835
These people show up at 45s rallies hoping he will see them and acknowledge them. Hoping he cares enough to gaze upon them.

I mean, that’s what we all seek from a father—acknowledgement, to be seen, validated.
Whiteness as a collective identity suffers in an abyss of invisibility. Believing “I’m special because I’m white” erases any real uniqueness. The collective identity of whiteness demands that white people surrender real agency for the promise of authority & power over others...
The promise of power + authority over others means that white people give up power + authority over themselves. They surrender to whiteness, abandoning their own cultural heritages and legacies for a generic shared persona of feigned superiority.
And where does it get them? Craven and hopeless, stuck in an abusive dynamic with each successive white savior who comes along explicitly screaming (or dog whistling) that they will make America great (read: white) again.
But whiteness is empty. It’s meaningless without objects of oppression. It exist only as a means to establishing hierarchies of power without any substantive source of personhood.
Whiteness is primarily a tool of othering. There is no consistent definition or criteria. Irish, Italian, Jewish...they were once victims of othering by whiteness. Is it skin color? Language? Religion? What defines whiteness?
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