Fxscism is inherently homo/heteroerotic and very linked to sexuality (a thread)

(There will be censoring int his thread so twt doesnt mald. If it's a light green bar, that's my censor and I will link uncensored versions + sources + uncensored version of thread at the bottom)
Just a heads up but throughout this thread, I am only discussing those who are driven to fxscism due to sexuality and the link between sexuality and fxscism. This is not homophobic and nor am I absolving fxscists of the blame for what they believe. Most fxscists are driven to ...
... Their beliefs due to economic conditions and so on.
Also, this thread ignores a lot of things like Evola's sex magic and things like the Nxzi white people breeding chaos and instead focuses on online fxscism, homosexuality, BDSM and so on. It also brushes over all the gay ...
... And trans fxscists who are despised by other fxscists for their actions. I have only shown the interesting behaviour but not the other fxscists who are angry at those who are being “degenerate”.

But fxscism is deeply linked to the need to assert dominance over others and ...
... the need to be freed from the burden and existential terror of agency and instead submit it to a powerful male leader(s).
Of course this is also linked to all of the tradwife crap but I won't touch on that today.

Even during the Nxzi regime, it was highly sexualised with ...
... Instances like SS commanders jacking off to people being flogged.
As much as fxscists like to pretend that they're not degenerates, that's often a lie and tend to be into the very things they espouse ie gay people or race to mix or trans people or god knows what.
Even most depictions in fiction, of Nxzis, are sexual for example Schindler's List (the film) where sexual elements are combined with a man sniping from his balcony at people working in the cxncentration camp.

This probably sounds like a load of bullshit but as someone who's ...
... Trawled through articles written by university researchers and archived 8kun threads from fxscists, these motherfuckers have some unresolved sexual issues and issues with toxic masculinity. I have included screenshots below of two 8kun (I also linked these in the Google ...
... Drive below) threads where fxscists were asked if they had interracial fetishes (IR) and it resulted in a lot of extremely gay shit.
"And yet, fxscism’s governing principle is political and social dominance. Do sexual rewards, at least in part, motivate fxscism? Suggestively, you do not see the democratic equivalent of a “Nxzi fetish” in pornography."
Our own fascination with fxscism often comes from ...
... The desire to dominate or the desire to be dominated. Media is rife with films and books (ie Stalag fiction). Concerning Stalag fiction, this was Israeli fiction from the 50s and the 60s that these books were "highly pornographic" accounts of imprisoned Allied soldiers ...
... and the sexual brutxlisation by female SS guards, and then the "eventual revenge" of their tormentors which usually involved rxpe and mxrder. These were said to be popular among teen boys (who were often the children of cxncentration camp survivors).
Another example of this is a particular club in the UK which holds monthly events for gay men to wear Swxstikas and full Nxzi uniforms. These men appear to engage in "extreme acts of vixlence as a means of obtaining (sexual) pleasure and gratification". And that some of these ...
... members claim to fantasise about "inflicting vixlence against the bodies of rxcial "others", Jews and gxy people" but only in the context of consensual roleplay.
And websites for gay military uniform fetish groups which acknowledge publicly that some of their members ...
... are in fact, fxscists.

There was a man who tried to interview people from gxy military uniform fetish groups for university research and encountered things like how the "inherent power dynamics" of being interviewed "seemed to provide a source of eroticism" for those ...
... who were being interviewed. Examples of this was a person interviewing who seemed to get off to being treated as subhuman by the interviewer and insisted on being called by it/its pronouns (this is not a reflection on trans and nb people who also use these pronouns).
This could also possibly one of the things that explain the prominence of the fxscist femboy trope, especially that they're desired amongst their masc counterparts who from threads I've trawled, who have constantly expressed interest in fucking men, being fucked by men or ...
... having sex with trans women. For context, these trans women are often treated the same as femboys due to the transphobic nature of most fxscists.
And this desire of femboys probably just helps encourage all of this behaviour, not just fxscists lack especially if they're ...
... terminally online and incxls. Combine this with the fact that extreme ideologies attract social outcasts like trans people, gay people and feminine men who are otherwise not accepted in society.
In conclusion, authoritarian-masochistic tendencies are a breeding ground for fxscism.
Of course, not every fxscist is driven by sexual pathology to be a fxscist but it's hard to deny the weird sexual shit that comes from the far right.
One last thing:
People have in the past stated that the reason women voted for Hitlxr was because he "turned their brains and knees to jelly" but this is pretty 'problematic' and also neglects that men also voted for Hitlxr. This says more about the people who claimed that ...
... women were seduced into voting Hitler than the actual women.
This thread also brushes over the fact, that the numbers of femboys are actually pretty small and the same for gay fxscists. But it’s good to discuss this over-sexualised view fxscism.
And lastly:

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