I proudly voted to re-elect President Trump today, but a large part of my decision was to vote against Joe Biden. I also voted for every Republican on the ballot.

If 2016 was the "Flight 93 Election," somehow the stakes are even higher this time around.

They are now so high that no reasonable person could vote for Joe Biden. (I think a reasonable person could vote for Kanye or 3rd party.) I simply cannot sit idly by while America is on the ballot.

Trump greatly exceeded my expectations and those of anyone honest too.

That may not be saying much, because most people opposed to him literally thought he'd trigger a nuclear war...not end a long series of them in the Middle East.

Instead, Trump has nominated exceptional Supreme Court Justices, passed criminal justice reforms, created the best economy the US has ever seen pre-COVID, responded AMAZINGLY well to COVID...

(Seriously, the US handled the crisis better than Europe and Canada...if you'd told me that in March I'd have laughed,) led one of the smartest tax cuts ever, actually stood up 2 China, enacted amazing deregulation, and done everything I hoped Rubio/ Cruz would do in 2016.

To me, the biggest concern I have about Trump is that he will be 74 (still 4 years younger than Biden) on Inauguration Day...and may be too old to do the job properly. But given the alternative, Trump is the obvious choice even on this.

But on to why Biden is unacceptable.

Joe Biden has teased blowing up the US justice system adding seats to the US Supreme Court because it might stand in the way of his agenda. This is unbelievably dangerous!

Joe Biden appears to be captured by Chinese Communist Party influence

China has been compromising US Elites (especially in the Democratic party as the GOP purged most of its elites in 2016) through their children.

Joe Biden has clearly engaged in corruption to enrich himself and his family. This is beyond all reasonable dispute at this point.

It is not an exaggeration to say that Hunter has taken millions of dollars from America's enemies and has said Joe is tied into his schemes

Joe Biden selected a running mate who is the most liberal person in the Senate, who called JOE BIDEN racist, who is referring to it as the "Harris Administration," and who is not the kind of person I want my daughter to see as the first female POTUS.

Joe Biden has repeatedly pledged to BAN oil, gas, and nuclear energy.

He has adopted BERNIE SANDER'S policies and the GND almost word for word.. then has denied that he ever did this, even though he is on video doing it. This is unbelievably dangerous for our country.

Biden has also openly courted the dangerous Communist ideology that underlies the rioting.

It is NOT an exaggeration to say that some Biden supporters are openly threatening violence and secession if their candidate loses.

Therefore, Biden must lose...and hopefully lose by enough that it shocks radical left back into sanity.

I still care about them and I want them to be sane again...and the only way back for them is the "shock therapy" of losing again.

This is personal to me, because I used to have a lots friends on the left who I could civilly disagree with...and almost all of them have denounced me now.


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