. @nytimes Thread:

As an Indian Hindu American psychiatrist, it’s absolutely fascinating & disturbing to see how much latent Hindu-hate there appears to be among my fellow Indian-Americans who are not Hindu (for example, Marxist/Communist, Christian, & Muslim Indian-Americans).
I honestly had no idea there was so much vitriol & deep-seated hate for the oldest surviving world religion & its adherents. On some level I understand the wellspring of nastiness: we Hindus are usually silent & self-effacing & overly accommodating (kind of like an abused spouse)
When the abused spouse finally comes into therapy and realizes she’s been putting up with abuse for far too long, things can get gnarly. The entitled spouse who is used to being top dog, numero uno, head honcho, etc, starts to get angry & throw fits.
The dynamic is changing and he doesn’t like it one bit. This is what seems to be happening on a larger scale in India. Non-Hindus are so shocked to see that Hindus are actually standing up for themselves, that they’ve gone into a collective tailspin. They simply can’t
believe their eyes. I’ll tell them what I would tell the entitled spouse: get into long-term therapy, do some deep, deep introspection, and learn to respect your spouse even if you have different points of view. The End.
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