I am working now in a call centre attached to a warehouse. Let me talk you through what it is like out there for low wage workers who are deemed "essential" 1/
As you walk in, 2 metres apart from the person in front, all wearing masks. You are confronted with someone asking you if you have symptoms. If you say no, they allow you to enter. 2/
The reception is now full of sinks where you have to wash your hands and apply hand sanitizer before entering the main building. 3/
As you walk through the main door, you have to stand there briefly so the wall mounted thermometer can take your temp. If you fail, you have to step aside for 10 mins and try again. 4/
Then you have to navigate a one way system to your desk, that you have to clean before you sit down. There is perspex in between every desk. It comes out about 5 inches past the edge of your desk. 5/
Then everyone takes off their masks and talks to customers for 10 hours. Unfortunately I know about viral load. I know what is in the air. 6/
All the permanent staff are working from home. Only agency staff who are desperately in need of a job are working in the call centre. /7
The vast majority of call centres are in the most affected areas. Because apparently you trust Northern accents not to lie to you. (True fact) 8/
So when you call a company kicking off because your order hasn't turned up while you are working from home, please remember that the person you are speaking to is actually risking their life so you can moan that it didn't turn up by 3pm. 9/
If you think people who work like this are stupid and should just resign... pay my bills. See? It's not always as simple as it seems. I'm not doing this because I want to. I am doing it because I have to. End.
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