Were you ever an athlete? If so, then you learned these traits

-deal with failure
-overcome obstacles

Being a D-1 Athlete, each of these has helped me further my sales career

Why being a student athlete has made me successful in sales

A quote that really resonates with me

"College Athletes train 10-15 hours per game they play, but the average sales person trains 10-15 hours per year"

This right here is a reason for most failures in sales
My life as a college baseball player looked like this

-5am sprints + hour workout every morning
-3 hours of practice daily
-3 classes per day
-1 hour of rehab daily

In total

-4-5 hours per day training
-12 hours traveling to games
-5-7 hours per day in class/study hall
Being an athlete, you know this statement is true

"What you put in, is exactly what you'll get out"

The time spent training directly correlates to the amount of success you'll have while competing

The same can be said for sales
The more time I spend

-practicing my calls/pitch
-researching my area of expertise
-studying the market

The better I will be at my job, which directly correlates to the amount of $ I will make

My end goal in sports was to succeed/win. Those same goals still apply today
Due to this logic, I spend every last second of free time training & perfecting my craft

If I have a meeting from 10-11 & another from 12-1, I will schedule training in the middle

On the way to the office I listen to a sales/mindset podcast

Every second of my day HAS A PURPOSE
Being a student athlete forced me to be this way and I will be forever grateful to those who made it possible for me to play sports in college

At times I hated it

-Waking up at 5 to go workout

-Not being able to party with friends or take trips over spring break

It sucked
Looking back...I wouldn't trade the lessons I learned being a student athlete for anything

I am who I am because of the game of baseball
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