A thread—
Lots of money is being pumped in to crush the SSR/Disha movement digitally. The most powerful & effective PR agencies have been hired—national & international—majorly funded by an international media company, which also funds soft 'anti-India, anti-Hindu' content.
The 'Bully-mafia' is extremely rattled, 'cas the digital revolution is not stopping, even after arrests. More they're trying to build fear, stronger the movement is becoming. So now, their major act is in place—the dirty bomb—with a single brief: "turn them against eachother".
Remember, these are the same people who plan 'attacks' on themselves, just to market their films. You can imagine the levels to which they will reach now. Also, it's now time for this international media company to return the favor.
On one hand the entire legal machinery has been set to silence Arnab Goswami and his Republic Media Network, on other hand they want to kill the digital movement. So very tactfully the frontline warriors are targeted now.
Many of these warriors receive nonstop threats—I've spoken to few, who are constantly being pressurized to stop doing their LIVE sessions, stop appearing on Republic, go quiet, or leave Mumbai, and so on.
To break them even more, absolutely frivolous narratives are being seeded, with a single goal: "to discredit them", and turn their support system into their enemies.
Imagine they've risked their lives to come out, and make themselves heard by the CBI, and now they're even receiving explicit threats from their own followers. It's a two way attack on them.
From outside, and inside. If you can't clip their wings, poison the entire sky, so they will eventually stop flying and die.
This also raises one very important question. What was this movement all about in the first place? Take a break for a while, and rethink. There are two beautiful souls still waiting for justice.
And of course many more, who are still trapped, many more who have been silenced, many more who want to come out and tell their stories—it's also their fight. They're watching.
And when they see how people who stand by the truth are haunted by their own people, their fear grows even more, and the courage they've gathered after years collapses.
The only way to defeat them is to stay UNITED. I've tried to give many hints in last few days. Many others too have tried to drop hints—to stop this vicious infighting and stand UNITED. Don't let the dirty bomb win.
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