A THREAD on the increasing ubiquity of arguments plagued by *Reductio ad essentia*

They go like this:

If you believe in genetics, you are “essentially” a racist.

Masculinity is “fundamentally” toxic.

If you believe in higher taxes you are “basically” a Marxist.
Reductio ad essentia: https://twitter.com/cpicciolini/status/1320377850042646528
Reductio ad essentia / “basically” https://twitter.com/RussOnPolitics/status/1319679690861400065
Reductio ad essentia / “basically” https://twitter.com/zoeclaire_/status/1318971218977062913
Reductio ad essentia / “inherently” https://twitter.com/magicanarchist/status/1294807542443339777
Reductio ad essentia / “essentially” https://twitter.com/FinneganSalomez/status/1321086646075465728
Reductio as essentia / “essentially” https://twitter.com/TrumpJew/status/1311365286029819904
Reductio ad essentia/ “basically” https://twitter.com/HakiimMusic/status/1321093590811103234
Reductio ad essentia/ “basically” https://twitter.com/MindofLoki/status/1320773159629578241
Reductio ad essentia / “no difference” https://twitter.com/reneeygraham/status/1322586265850728457
Reductio ad essentia / "is rooted in" https://twitter.com/ashtonpittman/status/1323872177603698693
Reductio ad essentia / "fundamentally" https://twitter.com/tedwheeler/status/1336490910146707457
(This one has a side of Alleged Certainty / Begging the Question fallacy)
And the pretend-poetic reductio ad essentia / “is” 🤡 https://twitter.com/DrIbram/status/1158011047451811842
Reductio ad essentia / “basically” https://twitter.com/ComfortablySmug/status/1334888844383186945
Reductios ad essentia / “baked into” + “DNA” https://twitter.com/Botanygeek/status/1337692740268777473
Reductio ad essentia / “basically,” “based on,” “literally,” etc. https://twitter.com/lennyaduncan/status/1338130534065565698
Reductio ad essentia / “inherently”

Also...wut? https://twitter.com/distolero/status/1340074951781609474
Reductio ad essentia / “basically constitutes” https://twitter.com/LoFiRepublican/status/1339016068614877184
Reductio ad essentia / “inherently”

(Not to mention the lack of possessives with gerunds) https://twitter.com/sofiacpk/status/1360259881572433921
Reductio ad essentia / “IS” and “inherently” https://twitter.com/literElly/status/1358755479237906439
Reductio ad essentia / "basically" https://twitter.com/Atrios/status/1353019742299312130
Reductio ad essentia / “is” https://twitter.com/kareem_carr/status/1361141590803234818
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