Some Brexit Truths
German MEP Theresa Reintke’s scathing attack on Boris Johnson: “ Boris Johnson has been lying to the people in the UK.” She urged him to return to the Brexit negotiations and "stop blaming others for your actions."
"These Lies have to stop - Truth has to be spoken"
Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, speaking about the impact of Brexit.

"You should be aware that there is no economic upside to this"
Adam Posen, President of the Peterson Institute for International Economics, speaking about the impact of Brexit. Fairly devastating (Full 20 minute version from 2017)
Yvette Cooper trying to get a straight answer about border security checks post transition. (Blood out of a stone - 04/11/20)
Excepts from the speech delivered by John Major on Nov 9 2020 at Middle Temple.
From Inside the American Embassy; Channel 4. Filmed roughly Nov '17-Jan '18

US Embassy staff on Brexit. They know Brexit is a disaster and that the British Govt are not telling the public that 52% voted for something that's likely to be "very very bad".
Michael Moore compares the Trump/Clinton Election to Brexit...(03/11/16)
Caroline Lucas agrees with an audience member that Brexit has been an omnishambles (05/11/18)
Caroline Lucas "Brexit is a project of the right, for the right, by the right" (09/12/18)
Brexit: Endgame - The $20T Secret, with Stephen Fry.
David Lammy: “Blame us. Blame Westminster. Do not blame Brussels for our own country's mistakes and do not be angry at us for telling you the truth. Be angry at the chancers who sold you a lie.”
Voters were lied to during the 2016 EU referendum.
John Major - Link to the full speech (09/11/20)
Anna Amato's story
How can a civilised country do this?
Great thread by Steve Analyst ( @EmporersNewC)
On how the media was pivotal in the reinvention of the meaning of the referendum result
(make a cup of tea first)
Regrets from Brexit supporting fishing industry
Great thread by Richard Gaywood
Thread on the devastating impact of Brexit mid Covid by Carole Cadwalladr (25/11/20)
"We need to talk about the absence of opposition to a no-deal Brexit"
Thread by David Henig
Sir Ivan Rodgers: Brexit, what's next? (December 2018)
Speaking at the University of Liverpool's Heseltine Institute for Public Policy, Practice and Place. 
'There were certain people saying they'd rather eat grass than be in Europe. Well, that opportunity may very soon come their way.'

This international freight forwarding company owner warns that Brexit is set to have a devastating impact on his industry.
A list of the plastic patriots who sold Brexit to the British people as they moved their businesses, residences and taxes out of Britain.
Terry Reintke (18/12/20)
"Our interdependence will always be stronger than Brexit.

Our ties will always be stronger than Brexit.

Our friendship will always be stronger than Brexit.

Ce n‘est qu‘un Au Revoir ❤️"
Boris Johnson is about to agree a deal which will see tariffs put on UK goods when we diverge from EU standards. This footage, from the referendum campaign in 2016, shows he misled Britain.
(From Led By Donkeys @ByDonkeys)
Interview with John le Carré in which he explains that the British public has been bamboozled over Brexit, what the difference is between patriots and nationalists and reads a felicitous passage from his new Brexit novel, 'Agent Running in the Field'
Great thread by Richard Murphy @RichardJMurphy
Great thread by Joe Mayes ( @Joe_Mayes)
On one of the big cracks in the Brexit fantasy (19/01/21)
Great thread by Peter Foster on how a damaging bare bones deal was always the plan (22/01/21)
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