Disc Room game feel details thread! I'll add to this throughout the week as more comes to mind. Shoutout to @kittycalis @terrivellmann & @doseonetweets for all their work and design thoughts on this. 👇
Proximity Wobble: the character shakes when close to a disc. We also slow down time (and the music) by up to 10% when close to/on top of a disc.
Good Dodging: collision masks in Disc Room are incredibly generous. Faster discs have smaller masks.
We also stretch collisions in time, you're allowed to be inside a disc for up to 3 frames. In any case, a close getaway is more fun than a death.
Directional Shake: Heavy impacts can offset the camera in a direction.
(Also note that we save right on death, after the sounds play, causing a nice little freeze frame "game feel" effect depending on your specs.)
The first time you die from a new disc type, the blood splat is bigger and we play a fancy "cinema sound" which is basically a super bassy WOOMPPP. Nobody really notices this but it's cool. https://twitter.com/terrivellmann/status/1319980566532546560?s=20
Dose made a whole bunch of these, they're basically used whenever we want a moment to feel more important. We play them when you boot up the game, beat a boss, whenever a trailer needs to sound cool, etc:
Seamless Intro: The game's intro comic fades right into the first gameplay. @kittycalis really had to fight me for this one, but she was totally right.
Small side story: Kitty also really had to convince me to put this submarine in Minit, which is now my favorite part of the game. Lesson learnt.
Parallax: each room has a top layer with black silhouettes that move slightly slower than the rest of the camera. Gives it a nice spacious feel. Also, camera moving slightly to follow the player even though the whole room fits on the screen makes the game feel much more dynamic!
Another thing that I liked about Disc Room right from the start: the death screen is super clear. No matter how busy it gets, you can see the disc that caused your death, and exactly how difficult the room was at that point. https://twitter.com/RealRoryPumpkin/status/1320696020783824896
For the audio @doseonetweets did a lot of amazing big sound, but maybe the more tiny subtle things were even more important! Unmute to hear how the Mirror ability changes pitch based on distance.
Dash Tricks: you can tap for short dashes, or hold to dash further. However: If you release within a disc, it pretends you're still holding the button until you're in the clear.
We make some exceptions to this (and the 3 frame collision window) with discs we know people want to die from. Here for example it prioritizes the gold disc collision over all the others you're on top of.
Bullet Time: the slow ability actually makes you move slightly faster and shrinks your hitbox. Great for tight escapes!
Menu Questions: The pause menu always shows a random question in the top left corner. It's a fun way to present more lore, and we wanted to give the player something to think about after they quit the game.
Dev scores: Great idea by @kittycalis to add the dev team to the leaderboards. It gives everyone at least one friend on there, and also provides an extra challenge for those who want it. We had it off by default at first, but quickly realized it should be the opposite.
For those wondering: @kittycalis, @terrivellmann, @doseonetweets & myself casually played the game throughout development, and whoever had the highest score on a room became the dev team there. It's baked into the game, so you can beat us once and for all!
At this point some people might think "uhh not all of that is game feel", but it's all user experience. Games are a fully detailed mess of audio and visuals and code and performance. All of it is important and looking at it separately isn't the way to go!
Little fun fact intermezzo: Disc Room can be classified as a Big Dumb Object game. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Dumb_Object
Doppler Effect: there's a super soft ambient wooshing sound that saws make when they fly by, it's pitched up slightly when moving towards you and down when moving away.
Bus Stops: Disc Room gives players multiple points where they can "hop off the bus" aka stop playing and be happy. There's the normal ending, hard ending, getting all rooms & discs, going after gold or dev scores, and then the challenges.
I gave a super short talk about this a while ago, arguing for games with less filler:
Bumping this thread of Reasons To Buy Disc Room That You Should Read with the message that you can still get it for cheap for another 4 hours!!! What a life! https://twitter.com/jwaaaap/status/1341315429118201856?s=20
You can follow @jwaaaap.
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