Ready to learn?
Want to truly understand what is going on?
Want to understand why a “virus” that is about as dangerous as the cold still has half the country shut down?
Well follow me, I’ll tell you.
Paul-Michel Foucault was a theorist who’s ideas have spawned all sorts of inspiration in s#!t marxist f&(%$.
Foucault's theories primarily address the relationship between power and knowledge, and how they are used as a form of social control through societal institutions
3. “Discipline and Punish,” Foucault discussed his theories that the human body is integral to politics and power, “it's largely a force of production that the body is invested with relations of power and domination; but, on the other hand, its constitution as labour power..
is possible only if it is caught up in a system of subjection (in which need is also a political instrument meticulously prepared, calculated and used); the body becomes a useful force only if it is both a productive body and a subjected body”
What does that mean? Political control (or any person or group in power), can only generate and maintain power because of their ability to dominate other people’s body’s.
6.Obviously, an easy example is slavery. The powerful control other people’s bodies, use them as labor, and if those in the group subjected to slavery refuse to be controlled, the powerful have the ability to inflict incredible damage on the bodies in that group.
Think of stories when slaves who ran away were caught. Many times, they would not be killed, they’d be “lamed.” A foot or hand would be cut off.
But Foucault’s ideas apply across the board. Why do we obey the law? Because we don’t want to go to jail? Why? Because ultimately it would suck for our bodies, right?
There’s another level to this idea of power/politics/and bodies as well. The idea of surveillance and controlling the masses through forcing self-discipline- ‘Member that book 1984?
Foucault used the plague in his theories—the REAL one. When the plague hit, there was an immediate and world-wide submission to leadership power. Makes sense, right? They’re the ones with the answers. “Tell us what we need to do to live—to save our bodies from rotting alive”
Mandates came out which “protected” the governed from the invisible, omniscient and omnipresent disease. If the people self-disciplined—followed the rules—they could “prevent” the disease from destroying their bodies.
Health mandates, of course, came with stricter laws which gave governmental leadership more power, and the people happily obeyed.
On top of that, there was the idea of surveillance. Medical experts and authorities monitored people—they were not ever-present, as the invisible disease—but they COULD be lurking around every corner.
If they discovered an ABNORMAL person—someone sick, someone not adhering to the rules—the ABMORMAL (DEPLORABLE) was broadcasted for all to see. “Look what’s wrong with this deplorable!” EW!
So, on top of self-disciplining strictly to avoid the disease, people also self-disciplined to avoid attention from the experts…so they wouldn’t be made an example for others to learn from.
This is 100% what is happening.
a.Invisible disease
c.Forced compliance under the rouse of self-discipline
Foucault mused that if leadership can cultivate mass submission voluntarily, changing and adding new restrictions becomes easier and easier even if the new restrictions stray further from the initial purpose of the submission
That’s the way you control the masses without doing some sort of huge military enforcement.
What’s happening right now, is Foucault’s theory in extreme expediated application.
Why are there masks? To mark you. If you don’t self-discipline, everyone knows. There’s obvious surveillance (big tech), but there’s the unknown, always watching level as well.
And we’ve all heard about the contact tracers, right? They can take your children “to protect them” No one wants that. Those Health Officials said that on purpose (though the video was later marked false) to put that idea of fear of surveillance into the populous.
If you don’t follow the rules, we will take your kids. IT’S ALL ON PURPOSE, even when it doesn’t seem to be.
Your neighbors, the people you see. No mask=signifier. They can report you. They are given power over your body. And that’s why this keeps working. That’s why we’re all still wearing masks and locked in our houses. Power and Discipline.
If the left gets elected, this will not end. Look what they’ve already been able to in less than a year—WORLD WIDE!
The masks will not go away. The lockdowns will not end. Even more people will lose their jobs and become dependent on the leaders who knowing and gleefully created this disaster.
AND THEN comes the REAL TERROR. Remember, bodies need to be used by the powerful as labor and resources. What kinds of things can they enforce after we’ve submitted all of our rights? What dark winter lies ahead?
It is imperative to stay aware. PAY ATTENTION. No matter who wins keep watching. Keep making noise
Case and point https://twitter.com/berniespofforth/status/1320860041910591489
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