Some of my favorite North-African painters, a Thread✨

Ramhani Abdelilah, a contemporary Moroccan artist from Tangiers whose subjects of choice are traditional costumes (including these intricately decorated caftans) and traditional objects
This wouldn't be a proper thread without Mohammed Racim (1896-1975) a miniaturist painter who borrows from traditional Persian & Mughal techniques to depict scenes of pre-colonial Algeria. His art is seriously eye candy, it was hard just picking the two.
Baya Mahieddine (1931-1998), an Algerian artist who drew inspiration from Algerian women and nature and gained international recognition.
@softnadjah_png wrote a great article about her here :
Ahmed Salah Bara, a contemporary artist from Souk-Ahras in Algeria, who paints domestic scenes of Amazigh women - on the left, women spinning wool and on the right, Tuareg women playing the Imzad
Azouaou Mammeri (1890-1954), an Amazigh artist from the Aït Yenni tribe who draws from sceneries in Algeria and Morocco, where he taught art. On the left, two women wearing the Haik at a mausoleum, on the right, a scene from a madrasa.
Aly Ben Salem (1910-2001) a Tunisian-Swedish artist who notably represented Tunisia at the 1937 Expo Universelle of Paris. I mean ... just look at these two pieces.
Abdurrezagh Alryani, a contemporary Libyan artist from Tripoli. He created this series to represent and celebrate the beauty of Libyan dress and women.
My favorite thing about these artists is the way they paint traditional textiles and clothes - look at their shoes!
Hussein Bicar (1913-2002) was a newspaper illustrator and member of the Society of Post-Orientalist. He helped Egyptian art reach international recognition. He was also the founder and artist of "Sinbad's Children's Magazine". His range is so wide, it was hard picking two pieces!
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