1/ should newer traders stick to trading the higher timeframes?

thread 👇
2/ there are a couple of obvious practical reasons why this might be a good idea

but while trading on the lower timeframes comes with its own set of psychological challenges (overtrading / addiction being one)

it's important not to confuse trade timeframe with trade frequency
3/ you don't always have to be trading, but it's important to accumulate experience and you're not going to get that if you're waiting for the monthly close to risk 1% on a 2:1 that might take weeks to play out
4/ approach learning to trade like you would learning to play an instrument or training for a sport

it requires the development of process and the integration of skill, and that takes ITERATIONS
5/ everyone has also read that trading on the higher timeframes is "higher probability"

but what does that mean?
6/ i'm confident that it pays to pay attention to levels derived from the higher timeframes (more on the reason why in the vid below)
7/ but i suspect that big swings just feel like they have a higher chance of working out because it takes more time for you to find out you're wrong
8/ the benefit of being a retail trader is that you can trade intraday volatility (what you might call "noise")

so why not build your edge around a process which doesn't involve you making predictions about where bitcoin is going two months down the line?
9/ some more thoughts on this here ()

but for me it's far less stressful and for newer traders I would recommend you question some of the more common advice on trading and think about what's actually best for you
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