Ok look I know you nosferatus are not actually going to listen to me because your souls are canyons of curdled larva effluvia but you know what I'm going to say this:

before getting on your high horse and saying something is ""easy"" ask yourself a few simple questions
1. Is it easy for people who are disabled

What this means:
is it easy for people who don't have full use of their limbs? who suffer from conditions that leave them fatigued? for people who can't see or hear? for people who have sensitivities to everyday substances?
2. Is it easy for people who are poor

What this means:
is it cheap? & by cheap I mean dirt cheap, a few dollars AT MOST. is it accessible for people who don't have cars? who rely on public transport? who work two/three jobs w/very little off time? who have small living spaces?
3. Is it easy for people with kids

What this means:
is it accessible for people who can't afford childcare? is it accessible for people who have to spend time caring for kids--cooking, cleaning, etc? is it accessible for people who have kids with special needs?
4. Is it easy for people who aren't white

What this means:
do the myriad barriers of systemic racism make whatever-it-is less than accessible for someone who isn't white? does being white provide an ease of access & acceptance that isn't extended to non-white people?
5. Is it easy for people who aren't cis men

What this means:
if a non-cis man did it would it expose them to dangers that cis men don't necessarily face? have the health issues faced by non-cis men been taken into consideration?
If you ask yourself these basic questions (and believe me I was not exhaustive in listing all the potential questions that exist but it's a start) and think about them HONESTLY then I really do believe you'll find that thing you think is SO EASY OMG is actually really not!
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