The Story of Zumbi Dos Palermos, my header:
The Afro-Brazilian king and symbol of resistance in Brazil
was a Brazilian of Kongo origin and a quilombola leader, being one of the pioneers of resistance to slavery of Africans by the Portuguese in Brazil.
He was also the last of the kings of the Quilombo dos Palmares, a settlement of Afro-Brazilian people who had liberated themselves from enslavement in that same settlement, in the present-day state of Alagoas, Brazil.
Zumbi's mother Sabina was a sister of Ganga Zumba, who is said to have been the son of princess Aqualtune, daughter of an unknown King of Kongo. It is unknown if Zumbi's mother was also daughter of the princess, but this still makes him related to the Kongo nobility.
Zumbi and his relatives are of Central African descent. They were brought to the Americas after the Battle of Mbwila.
The Portuguese won the battle eventually, killing 5,000 men, and captured the king, his two sons, his two nephews, four governors, various court officials, 95 title holders and 400 other nobles who were put on ships and sold as slaves in the Americas.
The whereabouts of the rest of the individuals captured after the Battle of Mbwila is unknown. Some are believed to have been sent to Spanish America, but Ganga Zumba, his brother Zona and Sabina were made slaves at the plantation of Santa Rita in the Captaincy of Pernambuco
From there, they escaped to Palmares.
Zumbi was born free in Palmares in 1655, believed to be descended from the Congo.[6] He was captured by the Portuguese and given to a missionary, Father António Melo, when he was approximately six years old. Father António Melo baptized Zumbi and gave him the name of Francisco.
Zumbi was taught the sacraments, learned Portuguese and Latin and succeeded in the End of building a Kongo kingdom in Palmares. Despite attempts to subjugate him, Zumbi escaped in 1670 and, at the age of 15, returned to his birthplace. Zumbi became known for his physical prowess
and cunning in battle and he was a respected military strategist by the time he was in his early twenties.
By 1678, the governor of the captaincy of Pernambuco, Pedro Almeida, weary of the longstanding conflict with Palmares, approached its king Ganga Zumba with an olive branch.
Almeida offered freedom for all runaway slaves if Palmares would submit to Portuguese authority, a proposal which Ganga Zumba favored. But Zumbi – who became the commander-in-chief of the Kingdom's forces in 1675 - was distrustful of the Portuguese.
Further, he refused to accept freedom for the people of Palmares while other Africans remained enslaved. He rejected Almeida's overture and challenged Ganga Zumba's kingship. In 1678 Zumbi killed his uncle Ganga Zumba.
Zumbi sought to implement a far more aggressive stance against the Portuguese Vowing to continue the resistance to Portuguese oppression, Zumbi became the new king of Palmares.
I'm finishing this tomorrow lol.
I promise imma finish this my laptop just broke and I ain’t been by a real computer lol
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