The whole QAnon train demonstrates how mechanisms of faith in an omnipresent and intelligent design are being transplanted on matters of state.

These are all predominantly WASPs who've lost an entire epistemic space.
The past 2decades of scandal emanating from Iraq WMD~ abuse in the Church~Lance Armstrong fraud~abuse in the Boy Scouts have created a massive vacuum in belief systems that Q is filling right now.

It represents a desperate desire to be part of something larger than themselves.
Case in Point: The loss of the epistemic space of "America as the God Approved Nation".

How epistemic spaces are disrupted is is key to understanding a rise of "belief bubbles".

Ultimately cultural ethnographies really.
I thought Voegelin was a little too opaque when I first encountered his ideas but an "Eclipse of Reality" is precisely what we are going through in the age of misinformation.
Epistemic con
A little before 2016, I had a tingling that the next bastion of liberal values left to target by conservative agenda were American University, where American knowledge was produced.

I was thinking way too small.

It was Liberal epistemology itself.
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