Really need to do a master thread cataloging all the notable feuds I've had on here that led to blocks. It is quite the chronicle. (I suspect there has been some path dependence, such that setting out the chronology might tender insights.)
The flipside of welcoming a diverse array of people as mutuals with open arms is that I've feuded with a diverse array of folks. We don't discriminate, it's tit for tat for one and for all, whenever the tat from a tit is not on all fours.
Julia Galef
Vermuele :(
David Simon, TV writer.
IR 'scholar' Richard Hanania, who blocked me and blanked his prediction thread rather than admit he got owned re effect of Soleimani killing.
You tell him, earlier me!
There are a ton more I'm forgetting. Any notable, though?
Oh right. Kantbot. Not a snub, I just forgot.
Helen Pluckrose has twice gotten Mad Online, written a lengthy screed directed at the persecution phantasms she mistook for some point I'd made, and then blocked me. I just remembered 'cos the first time it happened, in 2018...
I proposed a hypo involving speech restrictions (incl. online) involving a vaccine for a future pandemic. (pretty sure hypo derived from my longrun fear of pandemic risk + the seminal due process case re vaccines Jacobson v. Mass., 1897 U.S. 11 (1905)
The more recent block was more prosaic. Still have not read more than two Tweets of the turgid digest she tapped out behind her Block blanket.
Paul Skallas.
Liam Bright (@thelastpositivist) blocked me for defending Chelsea Clinton, after we had been friendly for months.
Austin Allred blocked me for this response to a comment where he was talking about how California regulations are tough on new businesses (true).
Nicole Hannah-Jones blocked me for accurately excoriating her in January about her plan to sell shitty racist pseudohistory to schools which would force little children to read it.
Here's the true end of the Matt Jameson saga. He was lying about using his true name online, and several other things, but mostly just seems unpleasant online person. He did briefly work for Jones Day, and is a lawyer. Haven't heard from him lately.
Forget when the Taleb block came in, but around here:
Geoffrey Miller, the evo psych scientism hustler guy.
Lee Jussim, the stereotype accuracy guy, blocked me after I castigated his boneheaded Leninist idea that there ought to be a moratorium on science.
Some nevertrumper dude.
Context. Note that I've got no active gripe with Baseball Crank—my goal was to induce him to try a bit harder than relying on bullshit WaPo stories he had not checked. Done. and to his great credit, Dan addressed me directly. AG Hamilton did not.
Lior, since his regular creepazoid Leninist shame-and-stalk routine, while it proved useful in the litigation context so far, is in this context a gross affront to our republic.
While I know he had the most hostile intent he could have, I'm willing to pretend to be friendly with suchlike normally, but not here, in the context of his leading a harassment campaign meant to interfere with our electoral processes.
Lmk if he says anything worth responding to.
"oh good you're back" after he finally days later came up with something to say after ignoring my DM and direct threads.

Very convincing, AG Hamilton!

Lol like I ever leave.
I'll try to check in on what he said when I get back to the PA thread. Ta!
Lol wtf AG hammiez deleted after his stupid ambush, which I instantly shut down despite being on the way to bed after many hours awake. What a flute-voiced eunuch.
There was a pretty deranged quality to his retarted plan to
1. Talk shit about me while relying on Baseball Crank's lazy reliance on a Wapo story
2. Ignore my DM safe harbor
3. Watch baseball crank get lit up in a debate in which I take him to task for being WaPo conduit.
4. Also get lit up repeatedly
5. Wait around until there's some court decision that he can try to claim corresponds to what Baseball crank lazily copied from the WaPo story
Then finally
6. Pipe up in flutey Eunuch voice and say, '"o THERE you are I've been lookthing for you" —
The funny thing is that he was probably so very proud of the legal analysis he had one of the idiots in his slack do.

I'm just gonna ignore. Irrelevant.
"A--- G-------" Hamilton, round three. The fact that the people whom he is working with (Rubio-related) felt the need to gin up a stupid ambush plot, thus giving me more info on them, shows how desperate they are. I'll make the next ambush move.
(Don't you get it, you idiot? My account is just a lightning rod to jam up the lawfare irregulars while the main force proceeds. I actually told you exactly what I was doing and you fell for it anyway! You guys are all hat, no cattle.)
Update — going to do wellness checks on him periodically, I worry. He had a lil meltdown in October.
Another part of the Kantbot saga, from above. I had forgotten about this.
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