A lesson in Twitter etiquette. No one owes anyone a “follow back”! If someone did not follow back, don’t unfollow and refollow them repeatedly over a number of weeks. This is not MSN Messenger in the early 2000s. I’m aware you’re here, I don’t need to be repeatedly notified.
I appreciate that algorithms can make this confusing but I personally try not to follow accounts “just because”. I’m very aware of my interests and I follow or unfollow or decide not to follow accordingly!
I’m also a total nobody! Remember that
Also not to be That Bitch but men really need to be mindful of optics when they do this to women perhaps
I deleted a tweet here because of typos, I’ll try again. I appreciate also that we all use twitter differently but if I’m trying to opt out of being your audience please respect that. I hate having to say “no one owes x” but I don’t like how some have begun to feel very entitled
to others’ attention since the Great Migration of Classicists to Twitter, or at least to public-facing, professional presence on here. Let people choose whether they are interested in keeping on top of your content and consider that there are valid reasons they might not be
And also remember your follower count cannot actually give an accurate picture or the value of your content or your character!! I definitely hate-follow people I dislike, and sometimes don’t follow people whose work I love (in offline spaces)!
Anyway that’s the end of my Sunday tirade. I am a nice person sometimes I promise (like 15% of the time!)
You can follow @meddiss.
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