✨ A thread on Fat, it’s importance, the good fat, bad fat, how to lose it etc ✨
What is fat really & what is it’s purpose?
A even as you can simply Google, it helps retain vitamins , help your body store energy, keep your skin healthy and rich, and keep you warmer in winter etc 🥶

Most people think it’s something you shouldn’t eat at all or badly avoid 😂
Too much of anything is bad. Be it carbs, fat or protein. It’s all about quantity
Two types of fats. Saturated and Unsaturated Fats. (Simplifying the science) basically, unsaturated fats e.g vegetable fat, avocado oil, olive oil, nuts and seeds, fish oil like salmon etc. are easier to digest than saturated fats e.g red meat, chicken skin, butter etc...
BUT WAIT, That does not mean you should avoid saturated fats completely. No, you need them unfortunately, in CONTROLLED quantities hence why a good diet plan and meal plan is important. ✅.

Now you know that Vegetable oils and fats are good for you, don’t eat too much animal fat
You’re badly dying to get your summer body ready? Alright cool.
Eat mainly vegetable fat containing foods. If you’re going to have beef, and pure steak with no fat etc. avoid things like pork bacon.
[STOP DRINK ALCOHOL, Especially Brown Liquor]

Personally I prefer Game Meat 🍖✅
Fatty foods that are extremely healthy for you are fish. The almighty fish oil 😍. Fish oil contains Omega-3.

Now I’m personally not a fan of taking in vitamins and oil supplements or supplements in general, it shows that your diet is bad (or you lack access to the right food)
Eating the right food saves you the trouble. Fat is good for you, fat is your friend. (DON’T REGULARLY eat junk food like cake, KFC, etc) because even if you eat healthily it’s not gonna amount to anything. 😫
Let me address the issue of how fat is contained or stored in MALE and FEMALE. This is vital to understanding why you’ve been getting a fupa or beer belly. 🙇🏿‍♂️💪🏿
Ask questions if you don’t understand ❤️.
Now let me simplify. Excess Protein and Carbs are converted to Fat in the liver ✅.

If you eat more carbs or protein than you need they’re converted to fat. And stored in your fat deposits.

Your fat deposits are shown below 👇🏿
Fat storage is mostly dependent on your genetics, your body type and gender 💕
As you can see from the image above ( http://bellemedical.com ), women generally have more fat deposits especially around the buttocks, hips, lower abdomen and thighs. ✅🧪
Slimming down as a woman: the basics... 💕🧪

Women lose fat primarily on parts that least affect child bearing (that’s why you need the fat in the aforementioned), so the face, the belly or fupa area, calves and arms are first to go 😄. Great news!!!
So this basically means that you can’t choose which areas of the body your fat burns 😂. I know it sucks right? It’s genetically predetermined, but don’t worry because the more you train, your body self corrects according to how you want it so there’s hope 😀
Slimming down as Man: The basics... 💪🏿🧪
Now for men as you have seen from the diagram. Fat is stored mainly in the upper body and in the belly🤰🏿

I’m sure you have seen this before. Men lose fat in the bellies first more than anything. That means we can shave down that belly💪🏿✅
Now we know for each of our bodies, we will lose fat, and what to eat to cut down on that fat.

The issue here is, if you drink high calorie content like alcohol, cake, etc and eat a lot, everything goes straight to your fat deposits.
You can be strong, have really good endurance and still have the belly or fupa or flabby arms. The key here is diet and train in the right manner.

I’ve seen and trained with some seriously strong men who have a lot belly fat. But you know strength ≠ good health.
So, for Fat in terms of diet?
Now let’s address Fat in the practical sense; Exercise, Gym and Training.

This is where is stimulate our bodies to shave off the fat, burn it and gain muscle.😤😤😤✅✅✅
Now let’s have a hard talk about losing fat while exercising and training
... 🙂... Doing core exercises won’t make you lose fat in your core area. Doing legs exercises won’t make you lose fat in your legs... 🙂... Fight me.

What really happens in that you’re building muscles in your core and legs, which is great because that offsets the fat ratio😃❤️
Media, YouTube and some trainers have really confused a lot people. Which leads to frustrating results for most people. But I’m here to help correct that and show you the way, realistically ❤️✅

What burns fat is the intensity and tempo of our training, so the more the better 🔥
So... Train your whole body hard 🔥Make sure the tempo and intensity is high, such that at the end of each training day. You have burnt more calories than you have consumed.

Fat is burnt this way beautifully 💪🏿❤️

How do we do this? Let me explain...
Do various different types of exercises. Full movements will do you great that’s my personal preference as both an athlete and trainer. ❤️

Circuit Training, Interval Training, Weight Training etc. these are the basics types you can start with. 🙏🏿✨
NOTE As you go on your fitness and health journey remember that we’re not the same. Our bodies are all different. So don’t be stressed with the fact that you have a “hip dip” or your arms aren’t getting dangerously slim or no big booty
It’s okay, your body is yours just rock it❤️
It’s for this reason that even when I train people or construct diet and meal plans. It’s all specific to ones body, metabolism, lifestyle etc and even the training that they do even though there are general similarities.
I’ll do a thread on the types of training tomorrow (I think) explaining them in detail.
If there’s any questions so far, I’ll be happy to answer.

Let’s summarize: You wanna delete your fupa, beer belly, arm fat etc?

Diet and train intensely, avoid the animal fats and don’t cheat that diet or else you’re delaying your future sexiness.
Are there exercises that burn fat in only one area? No baa go akeetsa 😂
If you have any private questions or things you want to know or you need help in general diet or fitness or training wise. You can DM me on here or on my personal account @sailastemwa.

I’m always happy to help and give advice where I can 🙇🏿‍♂️😁
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