south africa
south africa
“Southern Africa is a centre of mammalian endemism. It is a place where unique species only found in Southern Africa tend to crop up…There are 90 mammalian species which are known only from within the political boundaries of the Republic of South Africa“ – Prof. Steven Churchill
“The star of The Gods Must Be Crazy, Nǃxau ǂToma, was paid $145 for his work as an actor for the first film, and $360 for the second. That film grossed $100 million in its first year. Not one single cent came back to the San community.” – Paul Weinberg
“It is a great pity that such creatures as they be should enjoy so sweet a country. The persons are proportional but their faces like an ape or baboon, with flat noses... and faces both beastly and filthy to behold...” – Ralph Standish, 1612
"In 1660 a young Dutch nobleman had developed an ulcer on his leg...on which 'all the surgeons of Batavia had used all their art and knowledge in vain.' The Khoikhoi examined his wound...and in less than 15 days his leg was as fit as the other" – Noël Mostert
In 1510, Dom Francisco de Almeida––the first Portuguese viceroy in India––landed in Cape Town. He went ashore with his soldiers, many of whom were Portuguese aristocrats, and kidnapped several children. The KhoiKhoi killed him, as well as half of his soldiers, and the rest fled.
"The African seaboard of the Indian Ocean was under the command of the Portuguese as early as 1505, when they seized Kilwa... Dom Francisco de Almeida was the man who brutally sacked Kilwa in 1505." – Noël Mostert
"The very extreme South West corner [of South Africa] is particularly bereft of sunlight in the austral winter––something that very few people appreciate. South Africa is a big country and there's a tremendous gradient of ultraviolet radiation." – Nina Jablonski ( @NinaJablonski1)
“I hesitate to offend chaste ears with indecent anecdotes of [the Europeans'] doings with slave and Hottentot women. Their own flesh and blood, begotten of slave women, then bear the chain of slavery in their parents house.” — O.F. Menzel
“These images abound, generally of people pretending to hunt. This photograph (on the right) is of San people in a pose that is associated with Aboriginal Australians. I’ve never seen a San person stand like this in my life.” – Paul Weinberg
“Despite the overarching narrative of Africans as homogenously darkly pigmented... South African Khoi & San populations, have long been highlighted as an example of convergent evolution of lighter pigmentation in Africa.” – Tina Lasisi ( @TinaLasisi)
“Between the Vaal and Orange Rivers in South Africa was where the /Xam people lived in the 19th century. They were decimated. And those who weren't killed were incarcerated in Breakwater Prison.” – Paul Weinberg
"There was a genuine belief that service with Europeans was a means of escape from barbarism. Only the exceedingly few, and these mostly unheard, discerned that the real movement of the natives was from barbarism to pauperism." – C. K. De Kiewiet
“Mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplogroups showed a gender-biased gene flow. The mtDNA haplogroups were predominantly KhoeSan... Y haplogroups showed significant differences between the Coloured group (predominantly of European origin) and black South Africans.” – A. Choudhury
"An important characteristic that distinguishes the Southeastern-Bantu from other Africans is the admixture relative proportion of KhoeSan." – A. Choudhury

“The San weren’t all wiped out. Some took refuge among the Zulu people and adopted the clan name: the Duma” – Paul Weinberg
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