I've been receiving a lot of messages about the new adaptation of The Witches, asking if I've seen the trailer and what my thoughts are.
I have seen it. The Witches is one of those books that I loved as a child but where I also 100% saw myself as the bad guy. Witches don't have toes, they have strange hands, they have no hair. In this new version, for some bloody reason, they also have Joker-esque facial scars.
It amazes me that we often take steps backwards when it comes to disfigurement and villainy. A example. In Rudyard Kipling's 1894 novel The Jungle Book, Shere Khan has a limp. Look at how he's depicted in the 1960s cartoon version, and then in the 2016 remake...
So, yes, I've seen it. And I'll always have complicated feelings surrounding it, and that's ok. But it is exhausting. So please continue to have these conversations with your friends. Here's my video on disfigurement and villainy: xx
I’m sorry what... they ACTUALLY gave the witches Ectrodactyly in the new version?? I didn’t know that when I wrote the original thread. Great. Excellent. Thank you for that. 🤬
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